NO MORE fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, tight clothes, sleep issues, joint pain, cravings, headaches...  

It’s time to get your mojo back.

Hey friend,

I’m Shannon, a functional nutritional therapy practitioner who’s passionate about helping my clients lose weight, optimize digestion, decrease pain & increase their energy so they can live life to the fullest!

I love when I see my clients checking previously impossible things off their ‘bucket list’. Vacations that seemed impossible due to body pain, headaches or digestive issues. Ample energy for their kids or grandkids. Sustainable weight loss that has them feeling better in their skin.

Unlike other weight & wellness approaches that focus on restrictive diets, complex, hard to follow protocols and supplement plans; my RESTART Program and one-on-one functional nutrition plans cut to the root of your issues. We combine nourishing, whole foods; realistic goal-setting, & plenty of support to get you the results you crave!